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Blue Mobile Virtual Center

The water, coastal and marine environments provide essential ecosystem services. The knowledge of their function and the opportunities associated with them, if they are sustainability utilized and managed, only interests a few scientists and enthusiasts. The situation is even worse with people, especially children, who usually live further away from these systems because of the lack of exposure. The BlueRRP Institute believes the status-quo must change and wishes to commit to the United Nations Ocean Decade through a project christened the Blue Mobile Virtual Center.

The BlueRRP Institute is using this education and an advocacy tool to change the minds of especially school children in the primary and junior high schools in Ghana on these environments. At the center, school children get the opportunity to learn about the direct or indirect effects of human activities and pressures on water, coastal and marine environments. They are encouraged to be advocates or ambassadors.


The Blue Mobile Virtual Center visits primary and junior high schools in Ghana. At the center, we show videos and pictures of several human activities, and students are allowed to ask questions. Our focus is also on schools, where children have little or no contact with the aquatic ecosystem.
Blue Mobile Virtual Center
Blue Mobile Virtual Center in the classroom

Some schools visited by the Blue Mobile Virtual Center

The Blue Mobile Virtual Center has visited some schools in the Greater Accra and Eastern Regions, including The Great Councilor School in Kanewu and The Rev. Fr. Wieggers Roman School of Nsawam. Some of the pictures and videos of our visits were published in the ECO Magazine 2021

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