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Blue economy concept - status and strategies

The concept of a blue economy originated from the 2012 Conference of the United Nations on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro (Smith-Godfrey, 2016; UNCTAD, 2014).

SDGs - global status and updates - A review

Due to the mounting evidence of human activities driving the earth and society into an abyss, with consequences for our collective survival, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint for a world….

A review of threats to the ocean and current strategies to resolve them

As the world’s realm of outstanding biodiversity with myriads of ecosystem services (i.e., provisioning, regulation, and cultural), the ocean has been and continues to be subjected to several activities since humanity became aware of its usefulness (Georgian et al., 2022; Milon and Alvarez, 2019; Mwaipopo and Shalli, 2014).

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: A Review

With an expected increase of global temperature to about 3oC by 2100, the impact on biodiversity and human security due to direct or indirect human activities, and the natural variability in climate, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change seeks to address these phenomena by reducing the level of greenhouse gases through…



Audit Report

Detailed audit report